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Sherry Damron Ministries

Minute Manna - #0130 - “You are blessed with all spiritual blessings!”

Monday, September 25, 2017

“You are blessed with all spiritual blessings!”

You are in Christ! You are predestined for His good pleasure! You are holy and blameless before Him! You were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world! You are accepted in the Beloved! You are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! You are forgiven! You have all wisdom and understanding! You know the mystery of His will! You are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise! You are to the praise of His glory! You have the spirit of revelation! The eyes of your understanding have been opened! You know the hope of His calling!

All of that just in the FIRST CHAPTER! Will you believe His Word above your circumstances? Will you believe His Word above your thoughts, doubts, and fears? Meditate on who you are and BECOME a living epistle read of all! The joy of the Lord is your strength and there is joy evermore in His promises. Today is your day to laugh in the devils face and walk over his lies! YOU GOT THIS! JESUS SAID SO!

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