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Grace & Twisted Truth Series Part One is a five-disc audio teaching. 

Why are you saved? Do you really know from your heart or do you know the “religious” answer from your head? Once we know why we were really grafted into the Kingdom of God, we will then become fishers of men as Jesus instructed us to become. This is the first of a multi-faceted teaching for the whole Body of Christ. We know all about His grace. It is indeed His unmerited favor but we do not know about His truth, which is the boundaries that supports the grace in which we live. As we dig into the Word of God, we will find the keys that have been hidden within to help us unlock the ability to become EFFECTIVE sons and daughters of God.

(5 Disc Series - DVD)

Part 1 –  Grace & Twisted Truth

Part 2 –  Dimensions of Grace

Part 3 –  A Bucket of Keys

Part 4 –  If Ears Could Talk

Part 5 –  If I Could Turn Back Time


Grace & Twisted Truth Series Part One (5 Disc Series - CD)

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